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Wildlife and Scenic Photography
Cape Ann Massachusetts
Welcome to Elaine's gallery. Please start at the welcome page then explore and enjoy the website. Pictures are added often so check back for the most recent. Feel free to contact Elaine if you have any comments or questions.
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BarnOwlES | EagleCoupleJan32024 | KestrelAmericanwithgrubOct312023 | Harrierlanding1222022 |
sparrowwithhorsehair 4x6 | Ternfamilyintherain 4x6 | Ternsmalenfemalenfish 4x6 | Ternoneggs 4x6 |
ternsinflight 4x6 | GreenHeronMomJune232019 4x6 | GBHcouplebuilding nest 4x6 | Littlebluewithtadpole 4x6 |
Paintedbunting 4x6 | osprey3 4x6 | GHOMay12019 4x6 | eagleportrait 4x6 |
BaldEagle1 4x6 | BaldEagleportraitMarch172019 4x6 | buffleheadfemalelands 4x6 | Buffleheadlandingmarch2019 4x6 |
Buffleheadmaleflyby 4x6 | Buffleheads3takeoff 4x6 | egrets2april52019 4x6 | Hawkportrait 4x6 |
Hawkfliesup 4x6 | Hawkinflight2April22019 4x6 | hawkeatingbone8x10 4x6 | hawk128extensionmarch172019 4x6 |
eaglewithnestingmaterialmarch172019 4x6 | swanpoppa2 4x6 | TurkeyVultureFeb52019 4x6 | TurkeyVulture2Feb52019 4x6 |
Redtailedhawkc 4x6 | hawkoverheadfeb52019 4x6 | Merganserflying 4x6 | GrayGhostES 4x6 |
EagleImmatureFeb112019 4x6 | Eagleimmature3 | Seagullaftereiderscrab 4x6 | cormorantwitheel1 4x6 |
RedtailedHawkDec2018a 4x6 | GreatHornedOwl 4x6 | Redtailedhawktakeoffpole 4x6 | Merganser 4x6 |
Redtailhawkcloseup 4x6 | Redtailedhawkdec2018 4x6 | snowyowlatsunset 4x6 | Redtailhawkplumislandroaddec272018 4x6 |
BarredOwlDec292018Release 4x6 | BarredOwlB 4x6 | bird 4x6 | GreatBlueHeronsChat1 4x6 |
Flamingo1 4x6 | TurkeyVul 4x6 | blackscoters 4x6 | AZ2I2132 4x6 |
Harlequinduck2 4 x 6 | screechowlnov2018 4x6 | snowowlrelease 4x6 | Gracklefeedingchick 4x6 |
GannetImmature 4x6 | ploverchick 4x6 | surfscoters 4x6 | seagull 4x6 |
mallardmale 4x6 | Barredowlflying 4x6 | Bufflehead1 4x6 | bardowl2 4x6 |
gbhtongue 4x6 | Malemallardduck 4x6 | GreatEgrettakeoffweb 4x6 | Greategretshakes 4x6 |
AZ2I1941snoweee 4x6 | AZ2I6652gegretflysaway 4x6 | ospreybldfishjuly82018 4x6 | IMG_7856snowyEgreatjuly82018 4x6 |
AZ2I6001snowyegretrunsonwater 4x6 | AZ2I2361ospreywithalwive10 4x6 | AZ2I3429reflectionegret 4x6 | AZ2I2536 (2) 4x6 |
AZ2I2911YellowWabler | AZ2I2358ospreywithfish5 | IMG_9644snowyowlsitting4x6 | IMG_0473swans8.5x11 |
swans1Describe your image. | IMG_8378fluffedaugfrontaDescribe your image. |
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